Race Report: Rivercities Triathlon

1/2m Swim, 18.2-mi Bike, 5k Run
We had breakfast at our old standby – IHOP – oatmeal, but we changed it up a bit and ordered a short stack of pancakes, too. We got to the race site with plenty of time to spare. A monster thunderstorm had blown through the night before, relocating swim buoys, blowing down speakers, and blowing out the fences. Apparently, it was a miracle that the race got off with only a 15 minute or so delay. Justin took off in the 3rd or 4th wave, while I had to wait until the 7th wave. I got to see Clay and Norman exit the water, and I cheered them on. While I was lined up ready for my start to go, I saw Justin leave the water. I really hoped that he had had a great swim, but I never saw how many guys from his wave were ahead of him. My gun went off, and I was surprised that there were not many women around me at all. One woman took off, and I just tried to keep her in sight. I was really hoping to have a good swim to make up for my poor showing at KC, and I think I did a pretty good job of keeping focused (not letting my mind wander!). I pulled someone the whole time – I guess I should take it as a compliment that she thought I was going well enough in the correct direction, but technically, it slows you down a bit, so I kept trying to pull away from her…but she held on. Oh well. I exited as the second woman from my AG. I got to my bike and took off thinking to myself that I needed to catch that first woman, and I must have caught her early when there was a lot of congestion, because I never saw her really. With six waves of people ahead of me, I really passed a ton of people. In fact, no one ever passed me, on the bike or the run. I pushed the bike really hard and was amazed at how much faster I was going than most people – several miles per hour easily. I was able to keep my HR above 165 (my goal), so I was pretty happy about that. The bike leg was over way too quickly, and I transitioned to the run. The run went fine, although I saw a really fast woman (Melisa Christian) from Dallas who has qualified for the 2008 Olympic trials for the marathon – she is one fast runner. I panicked a little and started to feel the pain a lot more. I’m actually disappointed that I didn’t channel my adrenaline a little more to have an even better run after I saw her, but I sort of just tried to hold on (instead of kicking it up a notch). I ended up beating her by a good margin, but was disappointed in my reaction – I think I’m still learning how to embrace the discomfort on the run. Anyway, I finished well and found out that I had the top woman’s time! My splits and total time:
T1 - 1:19
Bike - 45:23
T2 - 1:01
Run - 20:56
Total - 1:
I’m quite happy with my bike split – I averaged just over 24 mph…definitely a personal best. I need to keep working on the swim and run. I really think I can do much better on the run, but I am struggling to go into that zone of pain/discomfort…I’d like to get my tri-5k down to 20 minutes. We’ll do a bunch of 5 and 10k’s this winter, so I’ll keep working on it.
My award, by the way, was a 3-foot tall lava lamp, a pair of Oakley sunglasses, and a bike shop gift certificate. A groovy day…
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