Yee-Haw! Time to learn to run fast!

Alright - so I did just (minutes ago) publish a post about Fall Classic, and since I pretty much post sporadically outside of race reports, something must really be on my mind, right? Yes! I am ABSOLUTELY EXCITED because tomorrow, I start on the path to becoming a faster runner! I'm just about giddy since I think I can do so much better on the run...
We're starting our run focus block of training tomorrow with the help of a lot of thoughtfully researched information and advice from books and people we respect. We're going to be extremely careful about staying injury-free. Easy runs will be amazingly easy, and hard runs will be hard, as dictated by specific pace or heartrate targets. We'll still ride and swim, but not in the same proportion as we did all of our training during the race season.
Alright, cheetah, show me your secrets...
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