I set a PR for an open half-marathon, and it wasn't too bad! The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon and Half-Marathon are organized and run very well, so I would encourage anyone who is considering the race to do it. We did the marathon last year (ugh...such a long time to be doing the same thing...that's why I like triathlon!), but this year decided to do just the half. My game plan was pretty much to go fairly conservative for the first half, and then start stepping it up for the second half. I ended up running next to the woman who ended up winning the race for several miles early into the race, and actually hit the half-way point 10 or so seconds behind Justin. She obviously paces herself really well, considering that she did an impressive negative split. Eventually, though, I could not keep her pace, and then continued to run by myself to the end. I was definitely getting more and more tired, but was pretty pleased with my finish: 1:31:50. Next try will be to get below 1:30...
Oklahoma City Memorial Half-Marathon 2006 Results
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